Friday, August 10, 2012

Things that Bug Me: Brainstorming for Social Change

Kids’ Stuff:
  • Toy tea sets are too flowery and girly. Make tea sets for boys!
  • Make party favors gender-neutral, for pete's sake.
  • Get toy makers to stop painting children’s toys—use colored plastic instead so I can stop worrying about my children eating lead paint
  • Manufacture affordable kids’ clothes in the USA, so I have that option
  • Provide choices for children’s clothing that avoid gender stereotypes—not all boys’ shirts need to be blue and decorated with monster trucks
  • Stop holding parent (mother) meetings during the work day
  • Put sidewalks and streetlights in Darien—some of us walk
  • Make swimming lessons affordable to everyone
  • Stop and Shop: bring back the plantains and empanada shells--getting rid of it is just racist.
  • Cut the crap—add affordable housing in compliance with state laws
  • Make honors World Lit classes more rigorous
  • Add additional CGS history courses, beyond 9th grade
  • Actually recycle 
  • Go digital (you, too, Ms. Parham)
  • Minimize plastic utensils. Stop using Styrofoam bowls and plates.
ABC Darien:
Increase fundraising so program can pay for school events, field trips, and school clothing.

  • Don’t redistrict CT by lumping together Bridgeport and Hartford. That gives Bridgeport no voice.
  • Increase the number of magnet and charter schools to give Fairfield County students more options
  • Make Juneteenth a national holiday
  • Provide subsidies for stay-at-home moms and dads
  • Switch to instant run-off voting to give third parties a fighting chance and weaken bipartisan campaign corruption
  • Stop subsidizing corn--I'm tired of high fructose corn syrup
  • Stop subsidizing big agriculture and the food industry--the vegetables grown next door to me should be cheaper than the ones imported from Argentina
  • Outlaw marketing to children under the age of 10—particularly food
  • Limit airbrushing of models; use real-sized models
  • Promote bilingual TV shows
  • Show language-learning shows
  • Stop having sitcoms that promote average-looking men in relationships with attractive women
  • Stop promoting white guys as idiots 
  • Pass a law requiring websites to unsubscribe users within forty-eight hours
  • Allow free access on-line to all network shows

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